datapi-core documentation#

Welcome to the documentation for dataPi, a Python package that allows you to implement a distributed datalakehouse head made of data pods.


About dataPi#

dataPi (from data + API) allows you to define, deploy data pods, list them, and generate documentation. It enables application developers to specify their informational query needs in a simple YAML file and creates dataPods - container-based deployable units that contain a local engine to resolve queries.


For installation instructions, see Installation.

How it Works#

Learn about the core concepts and workflow of dataPi in the How It Works section.

Getting Started#

Get up and running with dataPi by following our Getting Started with dataPi guide.


Explore the various commands available in dataPi in the Commands section.

Data Access from Applications#

Learn how to access data from your applications using dataPi in the Data Access from Applications section.

Planned Features#

Check out the upcoming features and improvements planned for dataPi in the Planned Features section.

Indices and tables#